Dino Nuggies are a Genuine Digital Chicken Product™, proudly processed on Hedera, and an integral part of the Dino Nugg ecosystem. Each NFT is eligible for a one-time-only physical merchandise claim, featuring that NFT's art work. DinoNugg.com and the project discord will have all the pertinent information regarding claims and an announcement will be made on X when the claim document becomes available. You will be able to stake your Dino Nuggies NFT for $DNUGG and the NFTs will have other utilities as well that are yet to be announced. A large portion of proceeds from NFT sales will be used to buy back $DNUGG and add liquidity, as well as, cover additional advertising and ecosystem building endeavors.
Dino Nuggies are a Genuine Digital Chicken Product™, proudly ...
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Precio Público
40 ℏ
Total de Elementos
Token ID
Etapas del Mint
Q1 2025
Physical Merchandise Claim
Q1 2025
NFT Staking for $DNUGG
Q2 2025
Brand Expansion + "Merch Sales to Holders" Implementation
Advertencia de riesgoLa compra de NFTs de utilidad conlleva riesgos. Asegúrate de investigar cuidadosamente cada proyecto antes de comprar. El Market de Kábila está dirigido a usuarios que comprenden estos riesgos y pueden tomar decisiones informadas. Deberás conectar tu billetera y confirmar que comprendes estos riesgos antes de realizar una compra.Kábila no es responsable del rendimiento y desarrollo de los proyectos de NFT que lanzan en la plataforma, incluso aquellos que han sido Verificados o son Destacados. Cada comprador debe realizar su propia investigación y análisis antes de comprar NFTs.